Losing "more" than half of me

Losing "more" than half of me
This time it's really going to happen.. I am going to lose half of myself, or should I now say "more than half of myself?"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Smooth sailing.. basically

I don't have a whole lot to update today.  Things are going pretty good.  God is really helping me out here, because I, in and of myself, don't have this determination or will-power.  I am very thankful for having it now.  Not to say that it's easy.  Avery and I went to the movies tonight, right after dance, so we didn't have time for dinner.  So I decided to let popcorn be our dinner.  Not the best choice, nutritionally, but calorie wise, I did ok.  I did go over my 1200, but managed to stay under 1800 for the day.  And boy, did I feel stuffed after eating all that popcorn.  It's amazing to me how quickly the body adapts to change.  I used to eat over 3000 calories a day, but now I feel bloated if I get close to 2000.  Pretty amazing, if you ask me.

I did the 30 pound shred video this morning.  This was my 2nd time doing it (I missed last Thursday because of that stomach virus).  And already it was easier to do today.  It still hurt just as much, but I had more endurance.  I'm guessing it's from the walking I've been doing.

And speaking of walking.. I also walked today for 20 minutes.  Would have been the full 30, but Avery's having an awful time with her allergies.  The past 2 days she's had trouble breathing while on our walks.  As pretty as it is outside, we may still be stuck inside exercising to save her from coughing so much. :(

It's late.. too late.  I haven't gotten a lot of sleep this week.  Sleep has always been a problem for me.  I get so keyed up that I can't sleep at night.  But then I'm dragging all day and fight to stay awake.  It's a vicious cycle that I'm hoping to conquer.  Pray for me please, that I will be able to shut my mind off at night, to be able to go to sleep and get good rest at night, so then I can get up at a decent time in the morning and be alert and fully functional for the girls all day.

Thanks again for your prayers and support.  I'm going to shut my eyes for a few.

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