I've been fighting the urge to eat something nasty, greasy, salty. I've wanted some thick fries, or a piece of pizza or a bacon cheeseburger. Mmmm. Don't all of those sound yummy?
Well, I didn't give in to my desires. But I did eat more calories today than I like. The grand total: over 1600.. Still, not horrible, but more than the 1200 I wanted. Part of those calories came from my evening snack -- cheddar rice cakes. Sure, one serving is just 70 calories, but I didn't eat just 1. I basically ate 4. I didn't keep count (that was the little treat to indulge myself tonight), but I'm guessing I had at least 4 times that much. It really did satisfy me, and now I feel stuffed. Plus, all that naughtiness only cost me roughly 250 calories.
On the topic of calorie counting, I wanted to share this great website I found. Technically, another friend of mine found it and shared it with me. Now I'm passing it on because it's pretty awesome! It's called The Daily Plate. It's part of livestrong.com-- Lance Armstrong's website. I don't have a whole lot of time to explain it right now.. but check it out when you get a chance. It helps you figure out how many calories a day you need to realize your weight loss goals, then it lets you track how many calories you've eaten each day and how many calories you've burned. Also, there's a place to track your water intake. I'm sure there are other neat features of the website, but that's all I've used it for so far.
Gotta go for now. Time for the news!
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