Losing "more" than half of me

Losing "more" than half of me
This time it's really going to happen.. I am going to lose half of myself, or should I now say "more than half of myself?"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chewing on the Word

I started a new bible study this morning that I think is going to help me break this food addiction.  It's called M&M and it stands for Memorizing and Meditating (of course referring to the Word of God).  We have a verse that we will be studying each week.

At the top of the list of things to do to help you memorize it is: CHEW IT, taste it, savor it, roll it around in your mouth.  Wow.. does that answer prayer for me.  Every time I'm tempted to eat something just for the fun of it or because it tastes good, I can chew on God's word instead.  It seems so simple.. and I really think it can work.

Our first verse is from 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV) "For we live by faith, not by sight."  That's exactly what I need to be chewing on right now.  I need to regain the faith in my ability to lose the weight.  And I need to regain my connection with my Father in heaven.  I believe that I can accomplish both of these things through the M&M study.

My good friend Jillian Capobianco is doing a story on me and this blog tomorrow morning on WIS News 10.  It'll be on the Sunrise show sometime between 4:30 and 7:00 am.  Please watch and let me know what you think.


  1. I am so very proud of you! I hope WIS posts it on their website so that I can catch it too! xoxo

  2. You can do this.

    I have struggled also with weight for most of my life. In fact, I am now working to shed 35 pounds in order to get back to a healthy, quality-of-life lengthening weight.

    I saw the story this morning (eloquent and succint, thank you!), and I wanted to let you know that you are certainly not alone. It is something that you have to work with each day, but try to remember that your body will thank you for it.

    Good luck- you can do this!

  3. I just saw the video on your facebook. I loved it. And would love to maybe doing something together with you. I REALLY want to lose some weight too (probably about 50lbs or so). SO...if you want to try to excercise together sometime....let me know. I know I need a buddy.
    BTW, I love that top picture:) Awesome!!!

  4. Jemme,
    I am very proud of you for loving yourself enough to take this journey! You are a beautiful lady and have a beautiful family. I pray you many blessings and know that you will reach you goal because you’ve put Jesus upfront and out here for the world to see!
    I am working on losing a quarter of myself (50Lbs), this will make me feel better about myself, improve my health and… make God smile because I’ve renovated his temple. :)
    God bless and keep you

  5. I agree with Michael -- you glorify the Lord Jesus greatly! Here's another verse for us to learn. Jeremiah 15:16 - "When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God Almighty."

    with love,

  6. I heard your story on WIS website. I am happy for your success and I wish you well in the journey ahead of you. I lost 40 pounds before I got pregnant. Now I am scared that I may not lose the weight I have gained during my pregnancy. Good luck and my God bless you.

  7. You are doing a great job so keep it up and never give up. love you. Diana F.
